You've just activated... The next customer will be a very special one the 10.000th customer. So are you ready? Yes sir! So why still standing here!? This is... SURPRISE!!! This is a ROBBERY!...



Each SVSU student and employee has a personal M-drive. The M-drive is file space that the University provides to users for saving files for class and work. Accessing your M-drive on campus is easy --...



嘿 亲爱的! 我刚到 我工作忙不过来 人走不开 我会晚一点到 那我等你 觉得第一次见你父母 好像不该单独赴约 你早到反而好 可以留下好印象 别担心 我妈超好相处的 至于我爸..像我先前讲的 他有时候很随兴 会说些奇怪的话 就顺着他的意 有礼貌一点 老公 快两点了 去整理一下独木舟吧 为什么? 有人要来看独木舟啊! 我放到网路上拍卖了 记得吗? 终于 可以把车库里那没用的垃圾卖掉 那才不是没用的垃圾...



Do you have one of these? Hai uno di questi? I got a little obsessed with mine. Il mio mi ha un po' ossessionata In fact I got a little obsessed with all my stuff. In verità, tutti i miei...



Maybe we do son. Don't think you have a corner on all the virtue vision in the country or that everybody else's fat and selfish and you're the first generation to come along...
First concert of tour We're setting up the cables so then we can check the sound We're here surrounded by such wild nature at the beach and this good energy I think it's going...
Hey Guys, James Wedmore here with do a quick video for you. I'm doing some video editing for project working on this is actually footage of me doing a video series only...
This video will show you the steps necessary to install Citrix on your Ipad. One thing to keep in mind is that you will not be able to log in if your account does not have the permissions to do so....
[TIRES SCREECH] Vignale-Riotorto Railway Station - 2002 Ehm, sorry, here the trains don't stop, it's just passed, so.. I don't know, should have a look at the timetable. Ok, we...



Okay. We're going to go in and show how to delete a folder and or files, so we're going to go into Windows Explorer, and under My Computer, we're going to the hard drive. And...

