I can't think of a specific time when I necessarily felt a presence. There have been times where things have happened, and I unfortunately can't think of a specific instance, but...



Hi – my name is Phillipa, I live in greater London. For my job I run a health manufacturing company. We manufacture health products and we export them. My first job that I really loved was working at...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0...
SPEAKER 1: The office is very lively, very colorful. Everybody's very nice. It's almost like a family environment. SPEAKER 2: So here at Wroclaw, we are working with small and medium...
Hi, I am Jodi Sleeper-Triplett, president of JST Coaching. Welcome to our Tip for the Day. I am wondering if you ever find that it's difficult to get yourself together when you're...



皆さん こんにちは 皆さん 今 日本社会は 極めて少子化なのは ご存じだと思います でも なぜ日本は 少子化なのでしょう? なぜ日本の女性は 子供を産みたくないんでしょうか? 私は身をもって体感したので 知っています 私の長男は 現在6歳です ちょっと あの 写真が あまりにもかわいくて 驚かれたかと 思うんですけれども (笑) えー でも 私は長男を 産んだ6年前 もう 苦しくて苦しくて...
Erik Michielsen: What have you learned about managing expectations at home while building a business? Mike Germano: I think I've done a very poor job of managing expectations at home while...
PNC Neighborhood Wishlist: Paint = Hope. We chose Paint=Hope because we needed a short project name, but it really does capture what we are trying to do here. The park in December of 2011 was written...



Now, take a deep breath. You say, 'How on earth do we live in this crazy world that's so fast we can hardly think?' So urban with its profound, social and political challenges....

