Hey guys, it's me Mimei :) Welcome to Mi-Make Today I'm going to look back on my faves from 2012 Makeup and stuff, I mean! I kinda wanna show you EVERYTHING I loved But I've...
My first time standing before the camera was kind of strange and scary. But I had to learn quickly how to press the ‘on’ button. “I’m standing in front of the camera and it feels good.” I really had...
bjbj2 Marketing Show Episode #21 [0:00:00] Holy crap! It's another episode of The Marketing Show. My name is Clay Collins and I am so glad that you're here because today I have some...
over 1200 submissions 7 days 49.020 € price money 6000 visitors 473 kids 16 award winners 100 films from 25 countries 70 films in the competition Good evening! We are happy to welcome you in the...
Abbeyglen Castle Front Entry by TravelPod member stellastot Car Ferry Sign by TravelPod member stellastot Cliff Structure on Cliffs of Moher by TravelPod member stellastot Abbeyglen Castle Hotel by...
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bjbj2 Marketing Show Episode #23 [0:00:00] Hello everyone and welcome to today s episode of The Marketing Show. My name is Clay Collins. And today, I want to talk about an incredibly, incredibly...
How come I always get excited about a potential relationship, and then it doesn't go anywhere? Well this is really interesting because there's a big difference between reality, and our...
Once we've got a blow dry, we're going to create a topknot. First stage - comb your hair forward, taking it right up to the to of the crown so we've got an even high ponytail....