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Hi, I'm Rebecca Ilic, I'm a freshman and math is important to me. One of the special things about mathematics is that all though we're all trying to find the same solution to a...



Oh THAT IS EPIC me think I'll I S I lol I am I've got some Campbell the no on as in a minute that last federal desu on look ok and I'll be happening feet now you I'll...



I love you. "On heart" "Tell me" "Where have you been hiding" "Why, today, for the first time" "Have I felt you beat...



Bible and Quran In John 20:28 Thomas says to Jesus: "My Lord and my God!" (NIV). Now, there are Muslims who claim that by saying "my God" Thomas merely expresses...
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Moscow students' parade - 2010 - In the framework of the celebration for Moscow's City Day, the annual students' parade was held. - Thousands of students of the higher...
Hey! has Muntaner arrived yet with the palet? Yes, yes, yes in loading bay 3 Loading bay 3? remember to get the delivery note. Yes, did he give you Za-time or not? No..., wait 1,2,3 ok Yo! man!...



Hey! What should that bring? Tom is cold! I need to give him some Victoria heat! Really? Don't you think you've done enought? Which problem has she? Hey Tom? Is everything okay? No,...
Der Eingang - eine altes Bahnhofsgebäude by TravelPod member tombery Ratshaus by TravelPod member tombery Keine Ahnung... by TravelPod member tombery Privatresidenz um 1880 by TravelPod member...