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If I find out, I'm gonna beat him up. - Seunghyun? - Yeah, he came home drunk. He seemed very upset. Did you say anything to him about Kangju? No, I didn't. He can take it....



Mudhamiat Ash-Sham 21-8-2013 Massacre! Genocide in Mudhamiat Ash-Sham city extermination in Mudhamiat Ash-Sham Using Chemical Weapons Exterminating civilians in the city of Mudhamiat Ash-Sham with...
I think I’m fallin... Oh...what is this feelin? I think I’m fallin, fallin for you/ Gimme your math n I’ll call you/ I think I’m fallin, fallin for you/ cuz if we get together I’ll put my all in…you...
mother where is my mother there is nothing wrong with her Amjad nothing is wrong with her i want her there is nothing wrong with her i swear nothing is wrong with her nothing is wrong with her my...
I lived my life believing in a promise. I'm so lonely. Let's see. Hello? Hello? This is Jungjae Lee's cell phone. Hel... Why don't they say anything? SSOOK What kind of...

