For those who like something a bit more modern, something I’ve noticed to be very popular right now is Conji, Asian characters. It’s basically handwriting. All you have to do is look at the design,...
Welcome to Grifoll. My name is Mateo Hilderink and today I will show you our star product: the Temporary Tattoo. The temporary tattoo is classified by European Regulation as a cosmetic product. Since...
I love the current now music home okay %uh you can see me really close cool I thought Marion marianne hear them she's there's no such thing as me yeah Ste i jus I didn't even...



Hi, my name is Chris 51. I specialize in what I like to call "Hyper Realism Tattooing". And my name is Joshua South. I'm the head instructor here at Area 51 in Springfield,...



If you have a machine that's really not working right, or you can't find that tone, or even if it's not pushing hard, if it's not pushing the needle into the skin as...
So, we're going to take our alcohol tattoo transfer, and cut around the edges like so. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it's a little easier to work with. And these are very...
The importance of networking, building your career; a lot of people don't think of conventions and stuff like that as a main tool. They can be good or bad, you know. Mainly I use conventions...
Hi everyone and welcome to my brand new channel! So today I'm getting my first tattoo ever and I think this is a good event to start on a new channel on Youtube. I've been on Youtube...
MUSIC] >> DR DAVID VAN REYK: Health and Homeostasis is the name we give at UTS to the first unit of Anatomy and Physiology. This is all about teaching the future nurses and future...
I prefer to use two caps. And usually the two caps in the front are usually larger. I like, Kingpin has these caps that have like a solid base on them. There's some that have the base...