Music gear instruments recording

Okay next we'll choose a high hat sound, a closed hi hat. And what that sounds like is pretty much this sound here. Okay? And what we're going to lay this is on the one and two and...
[ "God's Hand" remix plays ] [ "God's Hand" remix fades ] [ "Abyss remix plays throughout ] [ Wittstruck singing throughout ]...
Your cruel, device, Your blood, like ice, One look, could kill, My pain, your thrill, I want to love you but I better not touch (Don't touch) I want to hold you but my senses tell me to stop I...
Okay, next we'll discuss your audio sound for what you'll be using as far as listening to your recordings and your music. In my setup I'm using headphones. But you will be able...
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The Beat Snare Backpack this is a bag I am particularly excited about, I like this one here it is, I've got everything you need for a gig where you just have to take your...
I'm Larin Parker for Expert Village! We're talking about the basic tools necessary for maintaining and checking out audio gear that's misbehaving or perhaps is in need of...
When Line 6 originally released MIDI Mobilizer, it was a simple proposition: get MIDI data in and out of your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch. Since then, there's been amazing support from 3rd...
OK. Now that you're ready to record your drum track what we do; what we'll do is go ahead and push play on your sequencing system which is illustrated on mine by my arrow pointing to...
Copying Midi data is basically the same as copying anything on a Mac. Pressing Apple C allows you to copy the track or copy any of the midi data. Apple X allows you to cut it, and Apple V allows you...