A penny? Be kind, sir. Just a penny or two. A penny or two, sir? - Careful, Mother. - Spare a penny, sir? MRS. MERR ICK: Thomas, no beggar will be ruining Wendell's day. Right. You, out of here!...
[ Horse whinnies ] [ I ndistinct conversations ] Mr. Doyle? Sir Arthur Conan Doyle? I suppose it's a book you'd like me to sign. No, no. We have an engagement. My name's William Murdoch. You, sir....
[ Crowd cheering ] That's it, Amos. Let's go. Keep those hands high. Whack him, whack him. That's it, that's it! [ Dings ] Okay, you've given them 30 rounds. Time to end it. Right? Okay. Let's go,...