THE LORD OF THE SKIESHeHeHe With all due respect, HeHe you have to be aware of who's selling you the merchandise...e e I've had enough of you!HeHe Aurelio, let me kill this guy.e...
Hola a todos... Desde que comencé con todo este tema del Loquendo, mi primer vídeo subido fue el de la historia de Dragon Ball, y casualmente es el video más visto de mi canal, pero la verdad, ese...
Con el auspicio de "Calados" solo en "Ripley". Celebra Fiestas Patrias con "Unimarc". "Movistar" "Smartphone"....



Healing to me And freely to you from Sol Omnipotens Yellow Wings of Joy Warmth of Day, Sun of Dawn O Sun of Yellow, The Son of Righteousness, Son of Morning Light, Shine high and below! Shine Aeonion!...
This one goes for all the squalids who are celebrating my death dude, its not a thing to play with i will come back at night to pull the legs to all of you. “pitiyankees”, squalids, empire’s pets,...
The viewers picked not to kill you guys! But I do what i want! Because they are some losers that don't have lifes! You guys are FUUUUCKED! Bitch, get the book! ''Taste it!...



con el gol a favor se presenta en españa todos nosotros llamamos a todos los compatriotas hombres mujeres de todas las edades hacer los vigilantes de la paz del respeto del amor de la tranquilidad de...
early Thursday and received federal police on streets fresnillo zacatecas an anonymous tip alerted of a armed group in place the five people inside the home attacked the military with an arsenal in...
MOTHER AND CHILD REUNION . ♪ No I would not give you false hope ♪ ♪ On this strange and mournful day ♪ ♪ But the mother and child reunion ♪ ♪ Is only a motion away ♪ ♪ ooh, little darling of mine ♪ ♪...
inspecting the sky awhile and consistent in the person is with his long well tonight and we're going to get closure on that however very happy it might not be very nice feel but at least one...