Everyone carries around a cell phone, but do you know how they work? Believe it or not, they work in a similar manner as smoke signals and telegraphs. Never played with fire? Well done! Safety first....
Hey guys. I'm going to be taking a look at a couple of C-Betting spots today and we're going to be discussing some of the factors that you're going to want to consider when you...
Hey guys it's Mike1013 for Flop Turn River. In my last few videos I've been talking about three betting, about three betting for value, about three betting for bluff. About what hand...
Tomography - Reveals the Secrets of the Soil. Soil is an important natural resource. In cultivated soils structure and its stability are vital factors for productivity --- but they also play an...



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The roadtoll this holiday period was higher than 2012. Seven people died on NZ roads over the official holiday period which ended at 6am today. Two Maori were named among the seven - Sandy Paul Waenga...
Hey guys, this is Courtney Gee from Flop Turn River. This video is part one of two here talking about a hand where we have ace-jack here in the small blind with and around 18 big blinds in our stack....
YouTube Symphony Orchestra 2011 Mothership really came about as a way of kind of upping the ante from the first time around when we lifted off with a piece called Warehouse Medicine, in the first...
Welcome to the Eventual Millionaire podcast. I'm Jaime Tardy and today we have Billy Murphy on the show. Billy owns a company called Blue Fire Poker and they're an online poker...



There is nothing quite like the thrill and excitement that comes from the moment you stand in a packet pick-up line to the moment you breeze through the finish. At the Rocky Mountain Chapter of...