recycling saves money sending a ton of waste to landfill costs around a hundred and twenty pounds once it's been collected recycling it costs just forty. the average home in north london...
So, Pete, tell us: Why should you be in our advert for recycling? I'm your perfect candidate! I'm well up for it! Don't get me wrong - this has been great. There I was, was out...



What does recycling in Romania mean? Although in terms of legislation the situation is excellent, law enforcement leaves room for improvement. A very small number of Romanian companies identified the...



Hello, I’m Randy Park, Supervisor or Waste Diversion with the City of Winnipeg. I’m here at the Materials Recovery Facility —MRF for short— to show you what happens to the recyclables that go into...
In the united states 2.9 billion batteries are disposed of without proper recycling and processing. Most batteries contain cadmium, lead, mercury, copper, zinc, manganese, lithium, or potassium which...
Hello, my name is Krissy. Welcome to Krissy's craft corner. I'm sorry, the heat's not on in here and I'm shivering my little titties off because Lance won't...
The thing that we really like about this is that it treats the public like adults, it shows the citizen some respect. It's not about fining people, it's not about bin policeman,...
At Bryn Pica landfill site, three teams manage and oversee the Materials Recovery Facility, known as the MRF, who work three different shifts throughout the day and night. There is a constant stream...



Ok, good evening everybody. My name is Max Yazger, and I’m a farmer. Oh wait a minute that’s the wrong flashback, I’m sorry I was going to the wrong place. Good evening everybody and welcome to the...



>> Johnnson: We are constantly monitoring and working with our team to know when patentable discoveries are made. So that we can file disclosures. And we make that process as painless as...