You know one of my favorite philosophers Will Durant once said, "Barbarism is like the jungle, it never dies but it retreats behind the barriers civilization has thrown up against it and...
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Looking for Condo insurance Panama City, FL? Your Condo is full of all of the things that are most precious to you, and you need to protect them. Your Condo is also likely to be your largest...
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americans are open to cutting foreign aid to Uganda after the country passed an anti-gay law and the president signed it so I Huffington Post and you got did a poll to see what percentage of americans...
-Derek -All right. All right. -Get out of my way! Let him go! Oh Oh No. Oh Oh God Oh Oh <i>So l guess this is where I tell you what I learned.</i> <i>My...
Thank you very much. It's good to be here in Boston, and thank you very much for coming here tonight. Hi. Hi. Yeah I teach film, I make films, um, I would like to know, I am not a meditator,...