You must be wondering how the boy next door turned out Have a care, but don't stare because he's still there Lamenting policewomen, policemen, silly women, taxmen Uniformed whores They...



What's up! Yo mama so poor your family ate cereal with a fork to save milk. Yo mama so poor she can't afford to pay attention Yo mama so short she does backflips under the bed. Yo mama...
Oh, you know. Gone places since l married him. l'm not who l was. He's still Bobby Ballgame. You always say how good he is with the kids. Well, that's his life, relating to...
M: Yes, I'm sorry. This is really incredible. On behalf of my family, I just want to say thank you for giving my eldest son such a wonderful send off. Syed? Syed? S: I suppose I'd...



Why is there blood in my underwear? If you were girl, I’d say you’re having your period. Are you a girl? Really? That isn’t even funny. Maybe you have hemorrhoids. Why would that cause bleeding? The...
THE COSMIC COMPUTER by H. BEAM PIPER Chapter 1 Thirty minutes to Litchfield. Conn Maxwell, at the armor-glass front of the observation deck, watched the landscape rush out of the horizon and vanish...
HAL BAILEY: Hello. My name's Hal Bailey. And I'm excited today. Kal and I met several years ago in San Francisco. And I'm thrilled today to have him here at Google....
Wildlife is not food. Makes sense to me. I would never want to eat a squirrel. Me neither, but Sam's been eating crow for years. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! That's none of your business,...
[CROSSTALK]. Okay. You have just watched a sea star have sex. [MUSIC] So, reproduction. That's what we're talking about today. And, this is a big topic. So, we're not going to...