Petko - The Debut Wow, a Marley. Hello, I wish you a nice day -err- night. Hello, my name is Petko Petrov. There's a suite reserved in my name. Let me see. Petrov ... ah, yes. Room -err- suite...
product not yet rated the Killcam is a key part of Sniper Elite, we introduced in the first game as a way to track the bullet in slow motion from the player's gun all the way to their target....
So were around about 15 issues in but what about the future of the collection? Well we already know that Eaglemoss the make it have already planned around 80 issues and 80 figurines so there's...
This Week at NASA… The next three humans in space are now at their launch site in Kazakhstan after finishing their final training and prelaunch activities outside Moscow. NASA Flight Engineer Chris...
Friday, October the 25th, 2013. This Week on GOG: In case you missed it, here's what's new! Do you like to take your platformers with extra challenge, crafty puzzles, sleek graphics,...
In part 2 of his “MoonFaker: No Crater Addendum” video, Jarrah plays an excerpt from one of my videos where I describe the pressure exerted by the LMDE just before it shuts down. Jarrah: Let’s...

