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Hi, I’m Holly with Mono Machines and this is the Kobra 260 TS S5 StripCut Shredder. It's the quarter inch version and it's loaded with great features that makes it an excellent choice...
What is it you're looking for? Is it something hard to find? You look in your bag, in your desk You search for it but can't find it Are you still planning on looking for it?...
You are the atom that Einstein can't split So tell me if you love me or if you don't give a shit So tell me my star, my mate Since you told me how you felt, why are you changing...



The Red House Center for Culture and Debate presents "Göç", you know what that means! - What exactly? It means "violently displaced". That's how...
Hi, I'm Holly with Mono Machines and this is the GBC Swingline DS2219. Now it is a strip cut shredder. It is for medium sized offices and if you come in close you can see that it does have jam...
The glittering stars in the night sky are billions of light years away But even if despair becomes an endless darkness, the truth will be conveyed But who will receive the message left in the river of...
Hi, I'm Holly with Mono Machines and I want to show you how to set up the IdeaShare2 board. It's really simple and easy so come on in check it out. Now it comes with an electronic...
Welcome back to Summit Racing Quick Flicks I'm Al. Today we are going to talk about shocks specifically, twin tube design versus mono tube design. On the outward appearance it's...
Hi, I'm Holly with Mono Machines and this is the HSM Securio P36c CrossCut Shredder. It has hardened steel cutting heads and a continuous motor that makes it a great choice for large office...