Shalom, Shalom that's how we say hello back where I'm from the word Shalom really means peace but we say it coming or going so whether we're seeing each other for the first...
Parasha "Ki Teze" Torah portion "Ki Teze" "means when you go out" and we will start in Deuteronomy 21 verse 10 when you go into battle against...
Genesis, Chapter 11. And the earth was of one tongue, and of the same speech. And when they removed from the east, they found a plain in the land of Sennaar, and dwelt in it. And each one said to his...
Ezra, and to a lesser degree, Nehemiah seem to have a good deal in common with Chronicles, and therefore may derive from the same author. So sometimes in secondary literature you will see references...



[music playing] [music playing] [music playing] [music playing] Hello folks, this is Pastor Mike Hoggard coming to you from Studio 2012 with another Watchman Video Broadcast. We re going to pick up...
Balak, the king of the Moabites, afraid of the approaching Israelites, hires Balaam, a local prophet, non-Jew. "Go curse the Jews, they're a threat." So Balaam saddles his...
Third Isaiah also sounds this theme of openness, reassuring foreigners and eunuchs who have joined themselves to Yahweh that they'll be welcome in the Holy Temple to serve God and to offer...
All of the names in this story [Ruth] are wonderfully symbolic. Sickness and Death – it's like they walk on the stage with a big sign saying "I'm in a bit part and...



The Bible doesn't offer one single model of how to cope with this problem [of sustaining faith in the midst of evil and suffering]. A dynamic relationship with what is perceived to be a living...
KING SOLOMON'S MINES by H. RIDER HAGGARD CHAPTER XIV THE LAST STAND OF THE GREYS In a few more minutes the regiments destined to carry out the flanking movements had tramped off in silence,...