Mitt romney out of touch

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ta marvin here on the news you need to know this the biggest threat to the entire global economy is the republican party those are my words though the words of australia's deputy prime...
david naquin shell addition dot com welcome to the david package so i think by this point most of our audience has heard president barack obama has won re-election he won it handily he wanted by the...
POTUS: As a nation we have an obligation to make sure that all children have the resources they need to learn. Quality schools, good teachers, the latest textbooks, and the right technology. Samantha...
I was a steel worker for 30 years. When I first started working, I looked around, we had 5500 employees, it was like a city inside of a city. Steel would always be needed in the United States, so it...
I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message. "I'm going to reduce taxes." As Governor, Mitt Romney did cut taxes...on millionaires like himself. But he raised taxes...
newt gingrich can't identifier smartphone so funny uh... newt gingrich put out and this is of course moon colony enthusiasts newt gingrich was compared himself to parekh lease moses and...
(Image source: CBS) BY NICHOLE CARTMELL ANCHOR CARISSA LOETHEN In an exclusive interview with CBS — President Obama took a step back to reflect on his past three years. He says his biggest mistake...
mel gibson seems to really be losing his mind we talked all over the years we've talked a lot about mel gibson most recently we talked about the story from joe eszterhas who claims that commit...