בוך אַכט איך סטרעטהער ראַמבאַלד אַליין בעשאַס די ביסל טעג, די ווירקונג פון דעם אינצידענט פון דער פריערדיקע וואָך בעת געווארן צו פאַרפּאָשעטערן אין אַ אנגעצייכנט מאָדע זיין געמישט באַציונגען מיט...
[MUSIC - YEASAYER, "SUNRISE"] So I'm Sheena DiMatteo. I'm 25 years old. I'm from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania originally. It's really hard when you first...
So, after you’ve adopted, are you left on your own to cope? Far from it. Our post-adoption support service is there to help you. All parents need some help at different times in their children’s’...
Hi, my name is Kate Clapp. Today's video I want to talk about those women who suffer beatings from their husbands. This is a serious topic, but I decided to make it a little bit funny. I made...
I've wanted to go here since ninth grade, so it's crazy that I'm actually here. I didn't want to stay in the area of New York, so the first thing I looked up was Boston...
ShinShin (Xinyan) Yu won the first place (gold medal) in the Gold Coast Eisteddfod piano contest of 5-7 age group in 2012. Adjudicator comments: A duly lively performance, with lovely sparkling finger...
Hi everybody welcome to CD1. I am going to be your instructor for the semester. This first week I just want you guys to be getting familiar with Moodle and clicking around. There is a syllabus quiz...



I'm really excited to be here for the next four years. It's good to have a school where everybody is enthusiastic about what they're doing. Dean Elmore is really chill and like...

