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[music] Oh miss me while I'm young full of whishes ready to go on miss me while I'm young fast like fishes hot as the sun time won't give to us a chance to say goodbye time...
My name is Alicia Parascondo. I'm a third degree black belt. In the studio, I'm called Miss Parascondo because we call our black belts by titles, Miss or Mr. I started training with...
My name is Edenlita Pangilinan, but in the studio I'm referred to as Miss P. I started Tae Kwon Do when I was 12 years old after moving here from Guam. Being in Tae Kwon Do, it's...
For you mi bieby I've been waiting a long, long time. For you mi bieby I've been waiting a long, long time. Now me ready, now me ready Fi deal with a man like you Now me ready, now me...
Nunca hice mucho para lograr que te quedaras aquí (I Never Did Too Much to Make Her Stay Here,) Y nunca le dije palabras de amor (And Words of Love to Her I Never said) Supongo que aprendí la lección...
You see I don’t usually do this but I really need you tonight Give it to me Give it to me Give it to me Give it to me Will I even get married before I turn thirty? Gave my all, now hurt and left...