I bet you learned in school that momentum is mass times velocity - I sure did! However, for objects moving close to the speed of light, like the particles in the Large Hadron Collider or light itself,...
The Israeli/Palestinian conflict is perhaps the most complex political issue of our time. Many have resorted to simply blaming one side or the other. But if we take the time to understand the history...
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Misconception two, they're invisible so scientists can never see them. Well, We found a consistent explanation for a wide variety of energetic events in the universe and they all point in the...
There are 5 common misconceptions about molds. And if you can understand these, then you're going to know more than 95% of the people in the world out there. The number one question that we...
Yes it has, but it's just less. Because our shop we have processes to protect the therapists. Yes, it usually happens A: They will come and ask you directly? B: Yes, some of them do massage...
And now probably, one of the most interesting ones is will the Large Hadron Collider create black holes that will destroy earth. Oh that's been all over the internet. I know, I know. And...
Hello, and welcome to the first video in the series, "What is Philosophy?" My name is Brian Coffey, and in this video series, I will do my best to give a clear and simple answer to...