I love making 'iCarly' - it's so much fun, and I love getting the script every week and not really knowing what insane thing I'm going to be doing. It's just like an adventure every episode; that's...
I've had journals ever since I was really little. Sometimes I write poems and stuff, but for the most part I write down what happens to me during the day that I don't want to forget. So I have books...
I like James Franco. I think he's really cute. I remember a while ago there was a rumor going around that he was getting married and all my friends and I were freaking out. Yeah, I think he's cute!
I love getting my nails done. My mom's best friend is a manicurist. When I was little, she'd do little paintings on my nails, like flowers. She comes to our house. It's the best.
I feel like I hadn't given that many classic films, like, a really good chance. I watched 'Casablanca' a really long time ago when I was like, 12. I didn't like it that much, and then when I saw it...
My parents never said I had to be 16 to date, but that has been the rule for all my friends.
Some of my favorite movies are just movies that are just good stories, and aren't necessarily big budget movies or anything.
My room is never clean. I play 'Guitar Hero' all the time and throw things around my room.
I've been acting for a while, but theater is pretty different. I've never been in a play.