♪ KU chant ♪ I'm Warren Corman, the University Architect at the University of Kansas. I've worked for the Board of Regents 31 years and for the University of Kansas, here, right on...
>> Which is unfortunate because architects work so much at a desk, they don’t have a lot of time to comingle, and most developers never draw anything, and they’re just out shaking hands...
>> Hey, everybody. Welcome back to Business of Architecture. This is Enoch. Today, weíre joined again by Matthew Segal. Heís the COO of Jonathan Segal Architect, working in San Diego,...
this is demonstration courses frameworks documentation one point zero ibm rational system architects service demonstrates accolades issue on the system architects using closer frameworks services...



This is the third video in a five part series called Could you be an architect? In the last video I said that there are four simple questions you should answer regarding your inclination to become an...



This is the third and final video in a 3 part series called, the path of an architect. In the US Each state has its own requirements for becoming a licensed architect. If youre in a state that...



All right, so first things first, we're going to be making a garage and a foundation in Chief Architect X5. We'll make a new file, and first thing we're going to define our...



>>You're in the last stage of the project. You're going to design either your 3D or your 2D model using. When I talk about the kids learning area and perimeter,...
today we'll be doing some prison architect creating a new prison no fog of war uh... let's have a medium area (clear throat) if you guys dont know what this is, check the description...

