The department's at the World Refugee Day celebrations today in Brisbane, just to help celebrate the multicultural societies within Australia and the diversity that we've got on offer...
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So, what are some explanations? What might be the sources of this rising inequality? That's the final part of this talk. And what I'm going to focus on are things that might be causing...
Hello, I'm Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. Have you seen Barack Obama's poll numbers? They are among the lowest in history. As of last week, Obama's approval rating is...
Our God is to be made known to the ends of the earth. That is the call that we all share. Being translated into the mother tongue of the people here in Cuba. The main purpose is to leave a strong...
The organization SANMAT (SSNMT) formed by me has also inspired young enthusiastic multidisciplinary graduates passionate about building just and participative society. On my journey towards bringing...
Montevideo has many aspects that reveal it's true nature. Sidewalk cafes here, as in other capitals of the continent, are centers of social, business, and even political life. Still, it is a...
the story of michael hastings is a fascinating one the story of what he was investigating is perhaps even more important on a car Gibson has been looking into this and and done some some just...
>> -- work of literary merit lecture on Nellie Larsen's Passing, entitled "More Than a Cat Fight: Fear Lies in Social Class in the Lives of Irene Redfield and Claire...
Lynnette Ramirez: PRASA is the only public utility in Puerto Rico that actually supplies water and wastewater services to the population. We have about 1.2 million clients that we're actually...