Hello, this is Scott and this is the Hyper Report. This video is sponsored by Sound Money Campaign Here are quotes for for various items; such as gold and silver, for today. First... Small Businesses...
- ¡Felicidades! - Siéntense. - ¡Felicidades! - Siéntense. ¡Ya llega el cortejo nupcial! - Ayuda a bajar a la novia. - Sí. ¡Es un dardo envenenado! ¡Segundo hermano! ¡Segundo hermano! ¡Tercer hermano!...



Dame, ¿Esto es para la 3ª planta? Sí Camarero, camarero ¿Sí? Ven aquí Enseguida Dígame ¿Dónde está mi pedido? Enseguida se lo subo ¿Qué? Vamos, que tengo mucha hambre Discúlpeme usted El cocinero va...
Estoy aquí para pedir consejo Lo hace de un toque Por qué ella mató a dos? ¿No sabe usted? Su apodo es ''La hoja que no perdona a ninguno'' ¡Vamos! ¿Hay alguien? Yo no...



Hey! So I have to talk really fast today because I have a lot of stuff to get through and 5 minutes to do it. So, Laura, to answer your question, if I could play any sport. If I was a witch I would...
The wooden village is overflowing with sweet wine and laughter The stream pulsing with songs like the beautiful waves. The herd of oxen run around; the flowers are adorable like a small child....



Then the scene where No Dogs and Chinese Allowed, you and Yuen Wah walk in... then finally... pissing off Bruce, and took a punch. That young fellow was you. At that time, the impression... is still...



Sam Hui... well... Bruce Lee well... suddenly passed. We all know the news. When did you start to hear of this... news of his death? In the morning, the day after I knew. Ah, the next day morning....
We are staying in a mountainside town of Sapa. We've been here two days now and today we woke up bright and early at 5:30 in the morning and now it is about 7:30. We are heading on a hike to...
Our community is made up of people from all walks of life. Having a workforce that reflects this mix can be good for your business. This means considering all workers equally, including mature age...