bjbj David: OK, some emails here. Justin writes, "I saw your show on Free Speech TV. You are possibly the worst talk show host I have ever seen or heard." Louis: I agree. David:...



In cultural news, a well-known Mexican entrepreneur and philanthropist inaugurates a new museum in Mexico. Mr. Carlos Slim HelĂș has opened the Soumaya Museum in Mexico City, which will house over...
we've talked about guidance in the united states and how regulations that toward bands are a little too relaxed right we have a perfect example of that uh... msnbc just recently did a story...
spring wife's by but here's what I have said this every way I can think up and nobody paid attention on not alright well steve King is not done quite with picking himself down with his...
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(Image source: BBC) BY COLLIN RUANE At least one person has been killed and about 40 others have been injured following an explosion at a candy factory in Mexico near the American border. The...
A news helicopter has crashed onto a busy street near Seattle's famous Space Needle, killing two people on board and critically injuring a motorist. Only the tail of the helicopter could be...