My first stop on my journey to the labs of the world is Vietnam. A country with 93 million lovely people and a one-party communist system. You can find Vietnam in Southeast Asia, east of Laos and...
naal paroli al vi el la kontrolon ĉambro de studo kvardek unu lia lito kun markiĝas grep ĉambro en dek naŭ tridek ok de la tempo de Munkeno brita ĉefministro Neville chambelán aro de Ĉeĥoslovakio...
young cuba lee was being interviewed by npr does propose a proud talking about you know his latest movie and some of the projects he's working on the topic of angry black people came out which...
archaeologists were able to uncover the all this prehistoric town you're a okay so it was found in bulgaria and what was so interesting about this priest our town which by the way dates back...
fierce debate over halloween costumes and what is deemed an offensive halloween costume every hair people decide to dress says you know geisha others or some guy december arrow or you know they they...