Hi, I'm Casey I'm with Elements University. I'm here on behalf of Expert Village. In this segment, I'm going to talk a little bit about shampooing. So we're...
Estan por presenciar la Historia La Historia De Mi Amiguito Esta en Una Transicion -!Este Pelo Desaparecera! -El no queria hacerlo. Estoy Obligandolo -Esta Obligandome -Estoy Obligandolo Justin Bieber...
Hi everybody. So, today I'm going to be doing a hair tutorial for you guys. This is a braided bun look. It's a really simple style to do and depending on what hair items that you put...
Hi, this is Issac and thank you for hanging out. We're going to go into the products that are needed or suggested to be used while curling hair. We're going to start off of course with...
Hi, this is William Cane, and I'd like to discuss the issue of hairstyles for middle-aged women. We get many inquiries about what they should do with their hair, and there are some very...
We'll continue to cut from the top of his ear on forward. If you twist his hair from one side of the face to the other you can see if there are heavy points that we need to remove, but I like...
On this part of the haircut the next thing that I'll be doing is I'll be creating a nice soft line of removing this edge that connects the parietal ridge to this part of the haircut,...
And so after the class finished, January I think 15th, we worked with the attorney we had met in the class to put in place the documentation to actually have a registered company. And at that point,...
Choosing the right hair products can be difficult. My name is Sylvia Russell and this is how you can choose the right men's hair products. There are many products on the market today. You have...
Questions for your hair stylist. I'm personally a stylist that doesn't mind getting pictures so if you bring in something you know and you say, "I like this,"...