more in the long and drama are you ready for this alright sell this time if you haven't heard it she's been involved n_a_s_ hotels apple with nationally whom she invited whether to...
answer would be fun for him onto the other server framed or radio and television consolidated some apparently there was another side of the senses that made fun of god which doesn't surprise...
yesterday we cover story were foxnews uh... worst talking about aljazeera and they said that their it might be awaited trigger sleeper cells all my god not making kali mention it and then heard...
let's go back to a man and politics okay so apparently set up a linda's not tickle the fancy matt damon ad hoc batana %uh acting and had an interview away he was speaking pretty...
so well let's let this sad tale of have at it oh by the way of course she's in the city of Fox news channel so there'll be no fall citizens' lives in what she wants so...
that David is going to war did he invite gave that interview and he is calling everyone in eighty eight and ironic it's really cool I decided I think bill kristol the day and what he's...
often and entity hassle in decides he's going to go on and he's written this book ten ways to destroy the meditation her child foxnews thought they were to get some sort of conservator...