Hi, it’s Steve from PartSelect. Today we are going to show you how to change the Upper Spray Arm Snap retainer on your dishwasher. It’s a really easy job. All we are going to need is a quarter inch...



Hi, it’s Steve from PartSelect. Today we’re going to show you how to change the pump housing filter in your dishwasher. It’s a really easy job; all we’re going to need is a #20 torques bit. Let me...



Hi, it’s Steve from Partselect. Let me show you how to change the door catch on your dryer. It’s a really easy job. All we’re going to need is a Philips screw driver, preferably a stubby one. The...



Hi, it’s Steve from Partselect. You’ve decided to change the high limit kit on your dryer. It’s a pretty easy job. You’ll need a putty knife, a quarter inch nut driver, and you possibly might need a...



Cette dinde rôtit à une température confortable de 475 °F tandis que ces jolies pommes de terre cuisent à 350 degrés. Ouf, du paprika. La plupart des fours seraient désolés de ne pouvoir cuire ces...



Vous êtes sur le point de voir une démonstration sur l'essorage. Nous avons retiré le pied avant gauche pour simuler la pire des situations causant des vibrations. Maytag a conçu le duo de...



Voici quelques conseils de dépannage que vous pouvez suivre si votre sèche-lingeà chargement frontal Samsung semble fonctionner en faisant trop de bruit. Lors du transfert de vos vêtementsdu...



My washing machine is not agitating. Maybe it is in a mellow mood. I don't care if it has just kicked back in the hot tub with a glass of wine. I don't want to have dirty clothes. Ok,...
Hi, it’s Steve from PartSelect. Today we’re going to show you how to change the light switch kit on your refrigerator. It’s a really easy job; all you’ll need is a putty knife, and a small flat-blade...
Hi, it’s Steve from PartSelect. Today we’re going to show you how to change the door catch on your dryer. Really easy job; all we’re going to need is a putty knife. Let me show you how it’s done. To...