- Eu gostaria de convidar uma pessoa aqui na frente, por gentileza. Uma pessoa especial neste momento. - Boa noite, pessoal! Para quem não me conhece eu sou o Paulo, padrinho da formanda Priscila,...
Hi everyone, I'm Diogo Mafra, Dynahead guitarist and I'm here to show you my new custom Lucky 7 string guitar, made by Ledur. This guitar was made in mahogany, as a whole body, a...
Coma papel Joana coma Pap Coma papel Joana coma papel Coma papel Joana coma Papel Joana coma Papel um dois tres uma mulher de cada vez quatro cinco seis Era uma pistola de gays E uma colher de papel...
I had the great fortune to be born into a family where there was a lot of love. I grew up in a poor neighborhood in the east of São Paulo city and although our family did not have much money, my...
YEEP , hello people healthy ? I just came today to do an update on how my day was I'm still half the flu , and I've taken some five flu remedies and nothing out of this , I am feeling...
YEEP , hello people is ... Today I came here to make a " TAG " , do not know if it's more beauty tag What I saw yesterday in the channel drops the letter , the Moorish doing...
YEEP, hello people healthy? I'm recording this youtube video capture for iphone right, I'm doing shadow yesterday came here because my iphone 3gs I had bought on the internet I never...



YEEP hello people healthy ? Today is Sunday foot pipe , the saddest day of the week y'know not in the moral type every day has something for you to do at least as much as it is a drug more ,...
YEEP Eai healthy people? let me take a andadinha here ... face, there are people who complains much of Brazil, but it looks ... I just saw a news to me made kind ... love the old Brazil ... Brazil...