Hi, I'm Candi Cane Canncel with Expert Village. You are going to go over about an 1/8" pull it through and then you are going to start actually binding off your buttonhole....
yes what's permanent eyebrows az0:00:17.920,0:00:19.819 opens cells semiconductor align at teens xd left we'd like what i would work with the right one go having to do with myself so...
So did you cut those off yourself? I did. So you got rid of the guy? I got rid of the guy, kept the pants. Made them into shorts because he had a longer inseam than I did. I think the key thing is...
[clears throat] Here is the cruel taste still endearing. That's the life of each person in the world. But, if there is any type of pepper with different levels of spices, then there must be...
Wiener: Does he have electricity? Translator: Electricity, he has. Electricity, he has. Wiener: But not... Translator: But not working properly. Wiener: Did he use kerosene before? Translator: He used...



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What if you could learn a simple formula that the top sales people use to not only convert more customers but to create satisfied life-long customers? A new research study surveying 6,000 sales people...
And now for some laughter with a joke told by Supreme Master Ching Hai, entitled, "Six Months." A man sought medical aid because he had popped eye and a ringing in the ears. A doctor...
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