It could be that they’re used to working on big scale stuff a lot more than we are maybe. It could be that. There could be something in my work that connects with them. See I’ve had nine productions...



They were both out of the Group. It was in general a Group Theatre, after-the-fact Group Theatre, because Group Theatre was gone by then. It had been dissolved. But Kazan’s partner was Harold Clurman...
One year – I think it was my senior year – I got a job which was paid for by the N.Y.A., the National Youth Administration which was part of the New Deal, and they paid the University fifteen dollars...



Yeah I'll get it Griffith Bugsey Snake Department ssss Hello,hello what is this? which what? This is Mr. Oxley I see if he is here No no no This is Oxley. Who is? I am, speaking. Oh...
[music playing] When I was young I really didn't have a base in art history. So my first day in art school we went to the Baltimore museum and I really, at that moment realized how naive I...
But the way that came about was a friend of mine, an actor Martin Ritt – who later became a big Hollywood director, directed Hud and a lot of other good movies, he died recently – was at a play that...
if you have been in nashville tennessee area and think that you might need a good local roofing company i have found the website for you the website nashville dash roofing dot com used to list three...
As you you may recall, world leaders and scholars think about international relations using different perspectives. A perspective is a particular attitude towards how international relations works and...
[music playing] I'm pleased that there's a dialogue about my work but there's some misrepresentation, some people will think that my work is just about money, certain aspects...
>>Joe: Lee! We got ourselves a new dinosaur! >>Lee: New dinosaur dance! >>Joe: Two dino-scientists dino-say that some dino-bones found in Portugal are that of...