Margot kidder

I don't buy into any of that hogwash. They put that out to sell tickets. It's just a classic horror movie, with the Greek drama formula of good versus evil, and lots of fear.
I don't know who the actresses all are. I've never heard of Kate but I'm sure she'll do fine.
I think the little girl in Smallville is terrific, but I only watched it once.
Being pretty crazy while being chased by the National Enquirer is not good. The British tabloids were the worst.
I was very active in the peace movement, still am.
I liked the fact that Lois was one person with Clark and another with Superman. I think that, as women, we do that a lot when we fall in love.
I love horror movies because they're really fun. They tap into those wonderful primal emotions.
It was obvious what kind of game they were playing on the set of Amityville.