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Hello. In this video we are going show you how to view different map styles for certain zoom levels in Digimap Roam. First, search for your loaction using a place name search, then zoom into the...
Editing and re-using OpenStreetmap – Bob Kerr OpenStreetMap is like Wikipedia for maps. Anyone can edit it. That usually scares folk as you could put a motorway right through George Square and ruin...
Transfer routes from Ovi Maps on the web to your phone. This is an easy way to get routes you’ve planned earlier onto your phone. Here we’re using a Nokia N8. Open the Ovi Maps application on your...



You can plan routes before you travel using Ovi Maps on your phone, here we’re using a Nokia N8. In the Ovi Maps application tap Map. Then use Search to find your destination. Add the place to your...



It's easy to use Ovi Maps on your phone to navigate to your destination. Navigation with Ovi Maps is free. Here we’re using a Nokia N8. Before you start navigating, you can set the language...



Map Styling Tools and Interactive maps on the web with OpenLayers – Addy Pope, GoGeo There’ll be a bit of overlap with the first presentation here but then I’ll move onto OpenLayer. I work for EDINA...
It’s easy to explore new places and plan your routes with Ovi Maps on the web using your computer. Go to maps.ovi.com with your computer and Sign in if you have an account. Or Register if you don’t....



Now you can take Google Maps with on you mobile phone. Just like Google Maps on the web, you can easily zoom in, either use the center button on your mobile or press the OK key. You can move the map...
CHRIS BROADFOOT: Hi, everyone. We're live today from the Sydney hangout office. We have here today Thor to my left, who is the product manager for Google Maps API. And joining us through...