Guntram Wolff. Germany's just wrapped up its parliamentary elections and naturally there are many questions and lots of curiosity as to how Chancellor Merkel's new government might...



Thank you, Mr. President. I rise today to discuss the National Flood Insurance Program and the status of the bill that's in the Senate today. Risk has always been fundamental to the whole...



>> But friends, there aren’t enough Joni books to go around the world to reach 670 million people affected by disability. God has a plan that is much larger. God has a plan that is...
Is Ngati Ruapani an iwi in their own right, or do they come under Tuhoe's jurisdiction? The last meeting to hash out this issue was held on Saturday at Te Kuha Marae, Waikaremoana. Reports say...



We turn now to the mandate and I am going to advice Bill McCarthy to introduce the paper being built. Introduction Thank, Chairman. A very important piece for the Board and it is a discussion that we...



a state senator republican senator in indiana is doing well turns out the uh... he has introduced the bill or the rope the indiana republican party has introduced a bill that would require the...
Calamba City Regional Center implementation, legal mandate, joint venture esse valor já pago os acidentes para edgar wright acreditar pirapora rodrigo gral e vice-presidente o lançamento de uma...
Now one of the things we're finding out- according to ...Kathleen Sebelius, Health and Human Services secretary who's a rabid pro-abort- talked about that many times in the past- uh......
>> And I tell you, our message is a message of hope that God loves every person and he has a plan for them. God is a sovereign God and he knows every disabled person by name. Exodus 4:11...
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