So I'm going to show you today how to do a messy bun, keeping in mind that this is a bun that could be placed anywhere on the head. I'm going to do it a little higher. That seems...
Hey, Amita. You know me, I'm super low-maintenance. What can I do to freshen up my hair during the day and then take it into evening so I don't have to go home and I can just go...
Hello, guys this is me Nikol or Nikola again this is my second YouTube video and first of all i wanted to apologize to all of you guys especially my friends because they are the most of the viewing...
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Hey loves so I wanted to come and do a Neutral Smokey Eye makeup look so let's get started First as usual I have a video up on this and I'm pretty sure it's in the beginning of...
Hey! If you're wondering if my new haircut is a combination of Bryarly and Hannah Hart does this answer your question? "Hello!" So I was in the middle of making you a youtube...
[0:00:00] Hey, this is Jeff Wenberg from LeadPages. We've been really inspired by these beautiful About Me LeadPages from Matt Mullenweg, the founder of WordPress, Kevin Rose, Veronica Belmont...
Hi guys my names Michelle from Youtube channel, Beauty and the Blog, and today I'm here to show you how to use one lipstick in three different ways. So many people kind of think eye shadow can...
Hi my name is Tia Ward and this is my series Models Corner. Today I am going to show you my acne busting solutions, my blemish busters, so stay tuned. [music] Today I am going to talk to you about...
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