My entire life I've done what everyone told me I should do. From kindergarten to my senior year of college I had a high GPA, I volunteered, I played sports, I was in groups, extracurricular...
This is great. (Polish) [Welcome, everyone]. (Applause) (Polish) [Hello]. (Laughter) (Polish) [I'm sorry, I understand a little], (Polish) [but I don't speak Polish well]. (Polish)...
Der Geld-Mythos - was Medien tun können Ich bin hier, um Ihre Annahmen über Geld auseinanderzureißen. Ich werde Ihnen zeigen, daß hinter der Finanzkrise und der Umweltkrise eine versteckte Krise...
(relaxing piano music) (laughing) Hi, I’m Johny. - What’s your name? - Tamara. Tamara? And I’m Ivan. I’m Lucia. Dominika Maria - I'm Olga. - I'm Irina. Jean, Belgium, age: 50 - We...
This is all based around the Letters From The Field. Next Zombie map maybe in Atlantis. Group 935 found element 115 in the Atlantic Ocean so they're could be a base there, maybe when the...
El cielo está rojo esta noche Estamos al borde del abismo esta noche No hay estrellas fugaces para guiarnos Ojo por ojo, ¿por qué nos destrozamos? Por favor dime por qué, ¿por qué lo hacemos tan...

