since dawn of civilization the powerful have conspired to twist the course of history to suit their own designs like puppeteers a few shadowy figures could still be pulling the strings of Destiny from...
All the fellas on stage, you're going to realize on the count of 3 that you are all professional porn stars auditioning for a porn movie. You got the best porn moves in the business. Every...
I mean, you can, you can live with me whenever you decide you want to live with me. Yea, um, yea, Dad, though, but the one thing, one argument mom made was that you weren't sending the child...
Hi. I'd like to just quickly show you how to determine what versions of SQL Server you have on your machine. In the control panel, you can always type in "SQL Server" in the...
...Come on... Turn this way. Like that... Dutzi.... Stand there and point here... Show me where the USA are. Right. And where else? Good! Where is Canada? Right.. Mexico? Right This is one big...
Hi folks, Noah Wieder here with and we're going to demonstrate our new phone number and name services for bulk or batch services you can upload up to ten thousand records here...
Did you buy into the lie that there’s no more good domain names left? I’m Denise O’Berry and you’re watching the “Little Big Show.” Your place for bite size tips that can have a big impact on your...
of of why were still today summer the information is based upon research drive from the information that I saw for instance in the documents that I saw it was stated the president eisenhower at...
when the long-range shot missed and there were many more shots fired the anything that you heard before kennedy was struck by a ball manner was an accident prisoner persecute me was struck from there...
I Naim his the family news though most people were wrong the world known as the round table no I'm within each nation arabs a group of me and secretly controlling that nation I don't...