Hi! I'm Robin with www.Trees-mom.com and today we're doing a video for Expert Village. We are making a holder that I use for my cell phone, but you can use for a lot of other different...
I'm going to be plucking my eyebrows, because they are like way overdue. Oh my God, is that hair on my nose, I hope no one ever notices that. Annnnd let's proceed ok. Ahlowlowlow....
Welcome to the AC News! Let’s see the trailer of Red Riding Hood, soon after the news of today. Gothic version of the famous tale by Grimm Brothers, Red Riding Hood stars the lovely Amanda Seyfried...
The gothic, for example. Let's say we're making a...making a versal here. And we're going to say something really, really important, or we're going to take what...



Translation: nouwak :D Non omnis moriar (I shall not alltogether die) My plan is about to complete! (diabolic laughter) Temir, so it is you. This is the end, Sotirios. I have had enough of your lies!...



The Legends of Khorinis Khorinis Years ago, it was a great port of the Myrtana kingdom. Today, it’ s endagered by orks attack. It was dominated by the paladins, who came from the continent to defend...



Hi! I'm Robin with trees-mom.com. We are making a video today for Expert Village. We have just made our cell phone holder. I'm going to show a few different ideas that you can do. One...
Alright, we are all done. I like to go over and just do a little powdering and finishing. I think that the blue is kind of fun on her cheeks, but I want to add just a little bit more color on top just...
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Alright, we're almost done with the makeup. I always like to go into an area called finishing and just checking over, making sure it's absolutely perfect. I'm going to come in...