Hey guys! I'm Ivan and this is a brief video about the new Idian system in Aion's latest update 4.0. Idian is a new of adding extra stats to your weapon. However, its effect is...



Malik, the Magic Guy for expertvillage.com. I am going to show you a way to use a key card to do an actual trick, a basic trick. So Mr. Hand select a card; pull one out of the deck and show it to the...
♪ ♪ ♪ Back down, down to the downtown. Down to the lockdown... Boards, nails lie around ♪ ♪ I crouch like a crow. Contrast in the snow. For the agony I'd rather know ♪ ♪ 'Cause...
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In 1992 Ken Silverman after seing wolfenstein 3d decides to make his own version of the game, which he calls "Walken". Later he changes the games name to "kens...
Hi! Blair with Professor Savings here, with tips on learning about money as kids. Educating children about the importance of money and how it is necessary in family life is an essential part of...
Everybody seems to think that Obama is in his heart an atheist and in his heart a skeptic. The church he belonged to in Chicago is a whack-job church. It's about equal to Palin's...