The thing is I didn’t know what to buy him and I thought people would go for cheaper stuff- but they didn’t Anyway I ended up buying him a crappy pen And I mean a proper shitty pen, you know? Yeah,...



Close-UP "Moto Sentimental" Ladies And Gentlemen, Welcome on the second meeting of Oldtimer Cars Club in Kielce if someone still didn't hear anything about us I'm...
Junior Male; Chelines WESTMINSTER; V1 Intermediate Class Male Whisper Of Wind ABYE'S DREAM; V1 Kissi's Funny ALI BABA; V2 Puppy Class Female; MALAWI-LUCY von Silverstone Junior Class...
Muy buen dia les saluda Franklin Matango representante de hoy me acaba de llamar el cliente Daniel que es un amigo argentino que se encuentra trabajando desde los Estados Unidos...



Déjenme que les dé una buena noticia: muchas empresas españolas son ejemplo y líderes en sus sectores, son #empresasbandera, y todas tienen algo en común, están mirando al exterior como muchos...



Are you sweating? Is weather too hot? These are little kids from kindergarden, that during the day they felt unconfortable, they looked up to see if there was any air The airconditioner does not work?...



Al-Cazar by TravelPod member lacynoel Al-Cazar by TravelPod member lacynoel Typical Lacy and Caroline by TravelPod member lacynoel Typical Seville Street by TravelPod member lacynoel Caroline and I in...
President Obama: Let me say it's a great pleasure to welcome my friend, Prime Minister Rajoy, to the Oval Office. We have had occasion to work together on a wide range of international issues,...
Post Office by TravelPod member agates515 Customs Office by TravelPod member agates515 Pretty Building by TravelPod member agates515 Pretty Building by TravelPod member agates515 In the Park by...
01Sagrada Familia by TravelPod member wakingdream 02 Under Construction...Still.... by TravelPod member wakingdream 03 Just Outside by TravelPod member wakingdream 04 by TravelPod member wakingdream...