Hi, I'm Gary Gilbert. I'm the Principal of Real Estate Auction Options. We provide advisory services to those considering either purchasing or selling luxury real estate sold through...
Hello again, it's Gary Gilbert, Principal of Real Estate Auction Options. Every day I get asked pretty much the same questions about the auction process. How does it work? Let's answer...
luxury real estate malibu real estate hiring a real estate agent Hi, Laura Doughty here with Monarch Estates and Homes in Malibu, California and I'm following up a video that I did the other...
bjbjz Hey everyone this is Jack Cotton, luxury real estate expert standing outside my luxurious and not totally ostentatious Cape Code office. We are talking about the 12 deadly business planning sins...
There are countless benefits in utlizing the professional advice of a real estate agent. The sale of real estate is a business with many complex factors to consider. As a professional realtor I have...
when searching for the right Ponte Vedra real estate agent keep these important things in mind realty agents going through hours a special training to ensure they know all the real estate laws going...
MIAMI BEACH REAL ESTATE SELLER TIPS QUALIFYING A BUYER Jamey: Hey, I’m Jamey Prezzi and I’m here with my partner. Ognjen: Hi everybody, I am Ognjen Prezzi. Jamey: We’re luxury realtors in Miami Beach...
A home of distinction, 12 Via Santa Ramona is situated in one of the most idyllic settings in Rancho Mirage. Palm tree lined streets lead you to one of the most exclusive private gated...
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Hi, My name is Nicolas De Santes for M.M.D Realty. I�d like to present a one-of �a-kind luxurious double unit townhome Overlooking the Atlantic Ocean with unobstructed Ocean views With this...