Lupita nyong'o

I come from a very close class. I lucked out because drama schools are often very competitive... I have fourteen classmates.
My parents gave me a Mexican name. In our culture, we are named after the events of the day.
I'm pretty awesome at making salad dressings.
Slavery is something that is all too often swept under the carpet. The shame doesn't even belong to us, but we still experience it because we're a part of the African race. If it happened to one, it...
I give myself homework when I have an audition. I give myself goals, and that's how I check how I'm doing. It can be something simple like 'listen,' or 'find your feet.' And then afterward it's an...
As actors, you become an expert at starting over.
What's becoming very obvious to me is that fashion is art.
As human beings, we aren't as individual as we'd like to believe we are. And I think that's what makes acting possible. Despite the fact that I have not experienced something, I have it in my human...
I want to be uncomfortable - acting is uncomfortable.