today but what I see here and I was thinking about this the other day here is it reminds me a lot of the old Peanuts comics where every fall Lucy would get out there with the football and she would...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg932\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1041{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\tx7020\f0\fs20 The foot and ankle center of Egg...
[Big band music plays and Applause] >> Walter: Hello and Welcome! Are you ready to play ‘Hit the Panic Button?’ Extension Master Gardener Volunteers are vital to Cooperative...
I just found out that I’m pregnant. Can I nurse a baby while pregnant? Wow! One in the belly, one on the back, that’s stressful. Can I nurse my firstborn before the other one is born? You couldn’t...
On the 26th of June, the government will reveal the Spending Review which is going to decide the upcoming priorities for the country. And this includes what they're gonna do about social care....



Now, just to go back on what I briefly mentioned, you want to make sure that you store your chemicals in a place that your little children can't get to them. I'm sure we've all...



Holy shit, that's glory's car You're too late, now drop that axe I can shoot her, you know. It's so easy to pull the trigger. And then I can shoot a bullit through your...
Grace - Throughout the course there’s been a range of support both from placement areas from the mentors and also from the University staff, such as your academic advisor. Lucy - Yeah, the academic...
What causes leaking nipples during pregnancy? Your body is getting ready to breastfeed a baby. The leaking is normal in the third trimester. It is embarrassing to end up with a wet shirt, much less a...