I I think the first thing I want to make clear is that it was an accident. Uh, basically, what happened is that our father, Sir George Carlton, uh, shot himself. Yeah, in the face. Yeah, uh, it was an...
In diretta dalla Starfield International Ballroom del Beverly Hilton Hotel. Benvenuti al 69ª edizione dei Golden Globe. E ora il conduttore della serata. Signore e signori: Ricky Gervais. Salute....
Lizzie: So! Nothing reminds you of the good old days like your mother inviting "just a friend" over for dinner every night. At least the awkwardness is subsiding. It was definitely...
Da New York a Los Angeles Uniamoci troviamo una soluzione la risposta per questo mondo facciamola valere Oh oh, oh oh, è ora di agire questo mondo folle in cui viviamo dipende da noi ora Oh, abbiamo...
Hallo. Ich bin Sid Hunter. Hier im Śrīla-Prabhupāda-Museum in Los Angeles. Während der letzten paar Jahre durfte ich durch einen glücklichen Zufall der Herausgeber der gefeierten Ācārya-Serie von ITV...
NEXT GENERATION AIRPORT SAVES LIVES We are in the middle of building a new Regional Intermodal Transportation Center. The vision of the airport is to keep this structure operational after the large...
NEXT GENERATION AIRPORT SAVES LIVES We are in the middle of building a new Regional Intermodal Transportation Center. The vision of the airport is to keep this structure operational after the large...
William el Psíquico ¡Hola mis adorados! Ha llegado la hora de mis predicciones astrológicas de verano 2012 Empecemos con junio: en junio veo que se aproximan muchas tragedias. Veo mucho sexo en sus...