Hi guys! that was my epic intro. If you don't know who I am please click on my channel and the introduction video is - Going to play right away. Or you can keep on watching I'm not...
Hello, I'm Noemi and I'm Viviana and today we're going to do the "Chubby Bunny Challenge" If you don't know what we mean, it's about...
STEPHEN SEIDEL: Graduation usually means it's the end of something. But this is just the beginning. MATT MCMANUS: You comin' to our party? Are you guys coming to my party tonight?...
Teemo's shrooms does DMG Life That's mine-Life That was mine! Finally i got a kill-Life Ouch-Life! Oh shit! I'm helping Well did you really tho? Teemo's in the bush Is...
What am I doing with my life? so is two in the morning I have nothing to do I was on my tumblr that's my tumblr and I got a question from this person asking me to make a video about all the...
Oh my god my baby my baby my baby What happened? You! you pushed him down the stairs? Oh no, something's happening He looks so peaceful Yes, all coma patients look peaceful Although some of...
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Chilling Tales for Dark Nights. It's quite an interesting concept. For those little 'Pass it on' messages I mean. Chain letters and people telling you to 'Post this in...