The Beneficiaries have been waiting for 2 years But now, the houses will soon be built thanks to the help of Philippine Canadian Charitable Foundation. This is how the good Lord works. We are so...
Hey babe, I was thinking that I really need an iPad. What? Why do you think that? Well, I was working on these projects for work earlier and writing email and just thought that an iPad would be so...
[music] >> LEE: Welcome back to SourceFed, I'm Lee Newton The world has lost another smiling face of the screen as Shirley Temple Black has passed away at the age of 85. Shirley...
One lonely spider sipped her tea while gazing at the sky. She watched the insects on the leaves and many flying by. "If I had friends like these," she sighed "Who'd...



{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Sometimes there are so many things that need to be...



Welcome to Global Campus Library Services or GCLS, your gateway to information and research assistance from the Central Michigan University Libraries. Whether you're taking classes online or...



- If I don't win I feel guilty - When I'm on stage I feel special - It's disappointing when your daughter doesn't win - You see 20 years old faces on 5 to 7 years old...



Happy hello, its Ash! So I have decided to officially become a brunette. Not just a regular brunette, but a curly haired brunette! Right now my hair is processing and perming and its only cost me five...
Language Soliders Estonian for Dummies [Covernment has desided to stop the war.] Decision: [War, not peace] Ave one to headquarters! Ave one to headquarters! Damn it, it's not working Give me...
I just wish I could go to sleep until I was 18. Skip all this crap, high school and everything. Y'ever hear of Marcel Proust? He's the guy you teach? Yeah. French writer. Total loser....