Ashle: Hey, everyone. Ashle and Henri. Right now we're going to show you some Latin fusion. We're going to show you funky and sexy styling to add into Latin fusion. First we'll...
Hi, my name is Liz Piccoli and I am an SDC Associate Director/Choreographer and today I'm here as jazz expert to talk to you a little bit about myself and my experience. I grew up in my...
So some of you might remember the movie RoboCop. Well if you do, if you don't, this dance was named after him. So RoboCop is mostly upper body, but it gets a little flavorful down here, too....
How to do vintage burlesque. So, vintage burlesque, usually you will start with a prop of some type. So, whether it's a feathered fan, you can have a cane, maybe a little bathtub, a martini...
My name is Mai Yee, I'm an instructor at Sheila Kelley's "S Factor" studio in Manhattan, New York. I've been doing this movement for five years now....
My name is Mai Yee, I'm an instructor at Sheila Kelley's "S Factor" studio in Manhattan, New York. I've been doing this movement for five years now....
Ava: Hi everybody, I'm Eva. This is my twin sister Loretta and this is Anthony. Right now, we are going to show you how to dance, when you get inside of the circle. So a lot of the time, when...
Okay. So we're going to talk a little bit about having confidence on the dance floor, either while you're already out there or the confidence to get yourself out onto the dance floor....



manly tears got no reason little short bus got no reason to live teeny tiny twerp writes in shorthand shorter than smurf a midget minivan he got little feet and Little everything else his parents put...
What's up? This is Jino and I'm going to teach you leaning today. Leaning is a universal way to make everything look cooler, I guess or to add a little variety to your style. You can...

