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I'm going to teach you how to do the Rosette Wrap. You're going to need a rectangular scarf, and use something that's not silk so it will stay more securely on your head. Take...
[Music] Okay, so to prep and prime our lips, especially for a very dark, rich color, what we used is the Bubblegum Lip Scrub by Lush. It is like a sugar that you can just scrub all the dead skin off,...
go Hi Guys! It's Stefi Today I am going to create a nice Hello Kitty 3 dimensional nail art for you! Step 1 : Apply any sparklingly pink base coat on each of your nails and wait a minute or...
This is Daily Love. It's our moisturizing shampoo that is great for all hair types. It has our advanced color protection system in it, so it is color-safe. Daily Love also has Lemongrass,...

