What I want to do in this video is talk about continuity. And continuity of a function is something that is pretty easy to recognize when you see it. But we'll also talk about how we can more...
Řekněme, že funkce f(x) se rovná 1/x. A my chceme zjistit, jaká je limita f(x), jestliže se x blíží k 0 zprava. Připravím si zde malou tabulku. Stanovíme x a zjistíme, čemu se bude rovnat f(x) a x se...



Immer am Limit! Always at the limit! Du kennst ihn, den Pulsschlag, You know the feeling, your heartrate, wie er auf 180 hoch rast. when it goes at 180. Du bist startklar, du kannst es. You're...



מר. קאַרני: באַגריסונג. גוט נאָכמיטאָג. דאַנק פֿאַר זייַענדיק דאָ. אנטשולדיגט מיר האט צו אָפּלייגן די בריפינג. זייער פאַרנומען טאָג. איך האב אַ זייער וויכטיק פּערסאַנעל מעלדן צו מאַכן. פאקטיש, איך...
The value of the limit as x approaches 0 of 1 over x to the third times the definite integral from 0 to x of t natural log of 1 plus t, all of that over t to the fourth plus 4dt is. Now, when you see...



In this video, I am going to show you how to use limit testing on the 53100-series counters to filter readings when computing statistics. I’m measuring a ten-megahertz signal on Channel 1, and the...



so good look at photographically acutely aware of it next slide so right now I'm looking at minutes at temperatures to you for her two hundred people that's where uses arrival here it...



I feel like I'm in hell. Jang Seung-Wu… Jang Seung-Wu! Jang Seung-Wu! Why do you keep following me around? Why? Cha Bong-Gun! What are you doing here? I thought we were going to watch and...



Today I’m going to show you how to use limit testing for the 53100-series of counters. We’ve got a ten-megahertz signal that’s being measured by a 53132A counter. First thing that we do is set our...